IndianOil nurtures the core values of Care, Innovation, Passion & Trust across the organization in order the deliver value to its stakeholders. Company setting high standards for ethics and value, people leading with passion to excel, Pioneering the Sprit of creativity and research, caring for the environment and community, harnessing frontier technology and Fostering relationships for life time.
The group refining capacity is 80.75 million metric tonnes per annum (MMTPA, .i.e. 1.62 million barrels per day approx.). IndianOil is operating the oldest refinery of Asia in Digboi and the youngest & one of the most modern refineries of the country in Paradip. IndianOil refineries process all major indigenous crude oil plus over more than 100 types of imported crude oil, from which it produces more than 70 types of petroleum products, ranging from distillates, such as LPG, Naphtha and Motor Spirit, ATF and HSD, to heavy ends such as furnace oil, Marpol FO and Bitumen of different grades. The diverse configuration with petrochemical integration of refineries allows IndianOil refineries to produce petrochemicals such as LAB , PTA, Polypropylene, MEG & Sulphuric Acid and speciality products like LOBS and Wax. As a continuous effort towards improvement of product pattern, product quality, improvement of energy efficiency as well as to meet the dynamic environmental emission norms and to improve profit margin, IndianOil refineries have adopted most modern technologies in line with the latest worldwide developments in the field of petroleum refining and petrochemicals production. The flexibility of processing capability allows IndianOil to vary both its crude oil inputs and petroleum product outputs to achieve the company’s desired product mix. IndianOil refineries are fully equipped to meet the current environmental norms in relation to product specifications in the country and are being constantly modernized and upgraded to be able to meet all future environment regulatory requirements. IndianOil refineries are now supplying BS VI grade fuels to the country. IndianOil refineries at Gujarat & Haldia are also one of the first refineries to produce and make available IMO 2020 compliant 0.5% Sulphur Marpol Grade Furnace Oil. Also all the IOC refineries are now producing and make available XP100 & STORM superior grade MS having 100 RON.
Indian Oil Corporation owns and operates the largest network of crude oil and petroleum product pipelines in India. The total network of pipelines is 19,744 km with a capacity of 124.4 million metric tonnes per annum (for crude and product pipeline) and 48.73 million metric standard cubic meter per day (for gas pipeline). In FY-2022-23 Pipelines Division has achieved a throughput of 53.4 million metric tonnes for crude pipeline, 41.7 million metric tonnes for product pipeline and 3,077 million metric standard cubic meters for gas pipeline . The company’s pipelines are well positioned to supply petroleum products from its refineries and India’s ports to high demand states all over India.
IndianOil accounts for about 42% petroleum products market share. The company reaches its products to every nook and corner of the country, directly to bulk customers and via a network of retail outlets and dealers/distributors to retail customers.
The company’s overall distribution network encompasses over 60 thousand customer touch points incorporating its own supply locations as well as retail outlets, consumer pumps, LPG distributors, etc., the substantial majority of which are governed by dealership agreements. Products are transported to the distribution points by pipeline, ocean tankers, rail tank wagons and road tank trucks.
Sl.No. | Particulars | IOC (Nos.) |
1. | Terminal/Depots | 126 |
2. | LPG Bottling Plants | 99 |
3. | AFS | 129 |
4. | Retail Outlets ( incl. Rural ROs-KSKs) | 37,473 |
5. | LPG Distributors | 12,882 |
6. | SKO/LDO Dealers | 3,849 |
7. | Consumer Pump | 6,405 |
Total | 60,963 |
Research And Development
Developing more than 7000 formulations over the years, it has successfully perfected the state-of-the-art lube formulation technology meeting latest national and international specifications with approvals from major original equipment manufacturers. IndianOil has 800 commercial grades of lubricants, under the brand name "SERVO", based on technology developed by its own R&D and is one among the six worldwide technology holders of marine oil technology. The vibrant and innovative research at the centre has led to many technological innovations, some of which have received prestigious national and international awards. INDMAX, OCTAMAX, AmyleMax®, indeDiesel®, INDICAT, INDEcoP2F, XtraFlo DRA etc., are a few of them. IndianOil R&D has also crossed the milestone of 1500+ patent filings in 2022-23.
To further expand its research & innovation footprint, IndianOil is setting up a new Technology Development & Deployment Centre (IOTDDC) which will transform the country’s energy landscape. Being built at an investment of nearly Rs. 3200 crore, the second R&D campus will house four Centres of Excellence (COE) covering Alternative & Renewable Energy, Nanotechnology, Synthetic Biology and Corrosion Research.
Business Development
Towards achieving the corporate vision to be ‘the Energy of India’ and becoming a more holistic energy solutions provider with a target of increasing its share in the Energy Basket from 9% presently to 12.5% by 2040, The group is implementing the strategies of the corporation. In ‘crafting a green future’, the business portfolio of sustainable and affordable energy solutions for tomorrow is being expanded, so also achieving operational Net Zero by 2046. In addition to vertical integration through investments in upstream business and petrochemicals along with diversification through growing presence in alternate energy such as natural gas, bio-energy and renewable energy, the focus is also on increasing international footprints of the Corporation.
As part of the activities, the scanning of Business environment, MoU performance and Capex spend of the corporation are also monitored by the Business Development (BD) Group.
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. has been established to carry out the objectives specified in the Memorandum & Articles of Association of the Company. The main activities of IndianOil are refining, transporting and marketing of petroleum products
A major diversified, transnational, integrated energy company, with national leadership and a strong environment conscience, playing a national role in oil security & public distribution
To serve the national interests in oil and related sectors in accordance and consistent with Government policies.
To ensure maintenance of continuous and smooth supplies of petroleum products by way of crude oil refining, transportation and marketing activities and to provide appropriate assistance to consumers to conserve and use petroleum products efficiently.
To enhance the country’s self-sufficiency in crude oil refining and build expertise in laying of crude oil and petroleum product pipelines.
To further enhance marketing infrastructure and reseller network for providing assured service to customers throughout the country.
To create a strong research & development base in refinery processes, product formulations, pipeline transportation and alternative fuels with a view to minimising/eliminating imports and to have next generation products.
To optimise utilisation of refining capacity and maximise distillate yield and gross refining margin.
To maximise utilisation of the existing facilities for improving efficiency and increasing productivity.
To minimise fuel consumption and hydrocarbon loss in refineries and stock loss in marketing operations to effect energy conservation.
To earn a reasonable rate of return on investment.
To avail of all viable opportunities, both national and global, arising out of the Government of India’s policy of liberalisation and reforms.
To achieve higher growth through mergers, acquisitions, integration and diversification by harnessing new business opportunities in oil exploration & production, petrochemicals, natural gas and downstream opportunities overseas.
To inculcate strong ‘core values’ among the employees and continuously update skill sets for full exploitation of the new business opportunities.
To develop operational synergies with subsidiaries and joint ventures and continuously engage across the hydrocarbon value chain for the benefit of society at large.
To provide prompt, courteous and efficient service and quality products at competitive prices
Towards suppliers
To ensure prompt dealings with integrity, impartiality and courtesy and help promote ancillary industries.
Towards employees
To develop their capabilities and facilitate their advancement through appropriate training and career planning.
To have fair dealings with recognised representatives of employees in pursuance of healthy industrial relations practices and sound personnel policies.
Towards community
To develop techno-economically viable and environment-friendly products.
To maintain the highest standards in respect of safety, environment protection and occupational health at all production units.
Towards Defence Services
To maintain adequate supplies to Defence and other para-military services during normal as well as emergency situations.
Financial Objectives
To ensure adequate return on the capital employed and maintain a reasonable annual dividend on equity capital.
To ensure maximum economy in expenditure.
To manage and operate all facilities in an efficient manner so as to generate adequate internal resources to meet revenue cost and requirements for project investment, without budgetary support.
To develop long-term corporate plans to provide for adequate growth of the Corporation’s business.
To reduce the cost of production of petroleum products by means of systematic cost control measures and thereby sustain market leadership through cost-competitiveness.
To complete all planned projects within the scheduled time and approved cost.
Powers and Duties of Officers & Workmen
The powers & duties of the officers and workmen of the Company are derived mainly from job descriptions, manuals, terms and conditions of appointment and Delegation of Authorities enunciated by the Corporation. The officers & workmen of the Company are appointed for carrying out the business operations of the Company, which are in line with the objectives specified in the Memorandum of Association of the Company.
While discharging duties and responsibilities, officers & workmen of the Company are complying with the applicable provisions of statutes and rules and regulations framed thereunder.
Procedures followed in the Decision-Making Process, Including Channels of Supervision and Accountability.
The decisions making process of the Company follows the following Channel
Click here to view IndianOil's Organisation Chart
Overall management of the Company is vested with the Board of Directors of the Company. The Board of Directors is the highest decision-making body within the Company.
As per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 certain matters require the approval of the shareholders of the Company in General Meeting.
The Board of Directors is accountable to the shareholders of the Company, which is the ultimate authority of a Company. IndianOil being a Public Sector Enterprise (PSE), the Board of Directors of the Company is also accountable to Government of India.
The day-to-day management of the Company is entrusted on the Chairman and the Functional Directors and other Officers of the Company. The Board of Directors has delegated powers to the Chairman, Functional Directors, who have in turn delegated powers to the Executives of the Company through Delegation of Powers. The Chairman, Functional Directors and other officers exercise their decision-making powers as per this delegation of powers.
The Chairman, Functional Directors and other Executives are accountable to Board of Directors for proper discharge of their duties & responsibilities.
The powers, which are not delegated, are exercised by the Board of Directors subject to the restrictions and provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.
The Norms Set for Discharge of Functions
The company has its Article of Association and well defined procedure and guidelines in the form of delegation of powers, laid down policies and guidelines, manuals, compliance of provisions of various statutes , rules and regulations, guidelines of Department of Public Enterprises, guidelines of Chief Vigilance Commission , listing Agreement of Stock Exchanges and rules and regulations of SEBI for smooth operations of the Company.
The Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and Records held by the Company or under its control or used by its Employess for Discharge of Functions
The overall objectives and framework of rules and regulations of the Company is laid down in the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company. Each Department of the Company, while discharging its functions, is guided by manuals, policy and guidelines, which are periodically reviewed and updated. The conduct of the employees is regulated by the Employees’ (Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules) and Standing Orders. In addition, the Company follows the directives and guidelines issued by the Government of India on various matters. The operations of the Company is also guided by the Memorandum of Understanding entered into with the Government of India.
Statement of Categories of Documents that are held by the Company or under its control
The Company maintains various statutory documents, registers, books, licenses, Various finctional HR Manual, Accounting Manual, Corporate IT Policy, Material Management Manual, SAP Manual, Engineering Manual, Safety Manual, Health awareness & occupational Health Manual, Vigilance Manual, agreement etc. for the business operation of the Company, as required under various statutes, rules and regulation as well as Delegation of authorities for the smooth functioning of the Company.
Particulars of Arrangement for Consultation with the Members of the Public in relation to the Formulation of Policy or Implementation Thereof
IndianOil is a Commercial Organisation and policies formulated by it relate to its internal management and therefore, there is no requirement for consultation with the members of the Public prior to formulation of its internal policies. However, internal policies of the Company are formulated in compliance with the applicable provisions of the statutes, rules and regulations etc.
The members of the public, who are dealing with the Company in its business transaction have any complaints/ grievances, they can approach through e-mail or through the concerned officers for redressal as hosted in the web-site
Statement on the Board & Sub Committees of the Board and other Committees
The Management of the Company is vested with the Board of Directors. In terms of the Articles of Association of the Company, the Company can have minimum three Directors and maximum Twenty Two Directors. The Board comprises of Functional Directors, Govt. Nominee Directors and Independent Directors (which also include woman Director). The Board has constituted various committees with specific powers and distinct roles and responsibilities. The names of the Board of Directors can be accessed on the web-site
The meeting of the Board of Director and Committees of the Board are not accessible for public. Similarly the Minutes Books of the Board of Directors and Committees of the Board are not open for inspection by public.
IndianOil’s Employee strength (as on 31st March, 2024) is 30321, out of which 18570 are in the officer cadre. Grade-wise number of officers and workmen are given below:
Grade | Ref.(CO+BD) | PL | R&D | Mktg.+IBP+ AOD Mktg. | Total | |||
IX | 652 | 27 | 0 | 24 | 703 | |||
VIII | 777 | 37 | 4 | 24 | 842 | |||
VII | 924 | 78 | 2 | 937 | 1941 | |||
VI | 987 | 155 | 5 | 1513 | 2660 | |||
V | 2063 | 180 | 0 | 480 | 2723 | |||
IV | 891 | 177 | 0 | 271 | 1339 | |||
III | 84 | 58 | 0 | 774 | 916 | |||
II | 6 | 59 | 0 | 308 | 373 | |||
I | 6 | 140 | 0 | 108 | 254 | |||
Total | 6390 | 911 | 11 | 4439 | 11751 | |||
I | 51 | 14 | 7 | 46 | 118 | |||
H | 121 | 40 | 11 | 137 | 309 | |||
G | 270 | 72 | 21 | 410 | 773 | |||
F | 420 | 129 | 23 | 746 | 1318 | |||
E | 449 | 124 | 33 | 807 | 1413 | |||
D | 1090 | 232 | 89 | 1137 | 2548 | |||
C | 1760 | 587 | 110 | 1733 | 4190 | |||
B | 1346 | 795 | 122 | 1938 | 4201 | |||
A1 | 234 | 28 | 16 | 132 | 410 | |||
A | 1488 | 299 | 8 | 1356 | 3151 | |||
A0 | 85 | 8 | 2 | 44 | 139 | |||
Total | 7314 | 2328 | 442 | 8486 | 18570 | |||
Grand Total | 13704 | 3239 | 453 | 12925 | 30321 | |||
As on 31.03.2024 |
The remuneration of the Officers of the Company is governed by the guidelines of the Department of Public Enterprises, Government of India. The pay scales of officers are of Industrial DA pattern.
- | Grade | Typical Designation | Pay Scale |
Officers | Ao | Assistant Officer / Assistant Engineer | Rs.40,000 – 1,40,000/- |
Officers | A | Officer / Engineer | Rs.50,000 – 1,60,000/- |
Officers | A1 | Senior Officer/ Senior Engineer | Rs.60,000 – 1,80,000/- |
Officers | B | Assistant Manager | Rs.70,000 – 2,00,000/- |
Officers | C | Manager | Rs.80,000 – 2,20,000/- |
Officers | D | Senior Manager | Rs.90,000 – 2,40,000/- |
Officers | E | Chief Manager | Rs.1,00,000 – 2,60,000/- |
Officers | F | Dy. General Manager | Rs.1,20,000 - 2,80,000/- |
Officers | G | General Manager | Rs.1,20,000 - 2,80,000/- |
Officers | H | Chief General Manager | Rs.1,20,000 - 2,80,000/- |
Officers | I | Executive Director | Rs.1,50,000 – 3,00,000/- |
Officers | Director (Schedule A) | Director | Rs.1,80,000 – 3,40,000/- |
Officers | Chairman (Schedule A) | Chairman | Rs.2,00,000 – 3,70,000/- |
The remunerations of workmen are fixed through negotiations with Workmen’s Union subject to the overall guidelines of Department of Public Enterprises, Government of India. The Existing Pay Scales w.e.f. 01.01.2017 are provided below:
- | Grades (Refineries, Pipelines, R&D and AOD) | Pay Scale | Grades (Marketing/IBP) | Pay Scale |
Workmen | I | 23000-78000 | I | 23000-78000 |
Workmen | II | 23500 - 85000 | - | - |
Workmen | III | 24000-95000 | II | 24000-95000 |
Workmen | IV | 25000-105000 | III | 25000-105000 |
Workmen | V | 26500 - 116000 | IV | 26500-116000 |
Workmen | VI | 29000-132000 | V | 29000-132000 |
Workmen | VII | 32000-142000 | - | - |
Workmen | VIII | 35000-157000 | VI | 35000-157000 |
Workmen | IX | 38000 - 167000 | VII | 38000-167000 |
Note: In addition to the above, Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance, Medical Reimbursement, Leave Travel Concession, Superannuation Benefits, etc. are provided as per the Company’s rules from time to time.