Australian Dietary Guidelines: Recommended daily intakes

4 minute read | Produced: October 2014 | Revised: July 2021.

Key points:

In this factsheet:

Note: We also have a factsheet covering about the Australia Dietary Guidelines and another about Standard Serves.

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The Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend the number of standard serves we should consume from the five core food groups each day, for a nutritious and balanced diet.

The recommended intakes are an average to aim for each day. While it is normal to eat more of some foods on some days, and less on other days, what matters most is that you eat as close to these amounts as possible. This will ensure you’re getting an adequate amount of energy and nutrients in your overall diet.

Separate Infant Feeding Guidelines exist (for healthcare workers) for children under 2 years of age, or you can to download the brochure Giving your baby the best start.

Visit for further information on the Australian Dietary Guidelines and recommended intakes.


Recommended daily intakes

Recommended average number of standard serves per day:

ToddlersGirls and boys
1-2 years
Girls and boys
2-3 years
Vegetables and legumes2-32.5
Grains (cereal)44
Lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes, beans11
Milk, yoghurt, cheese and alternatives1-1.51.5
Allowance for additional serves from any food group*00-1

Chicken with cauliflower and grain salad

Kids will love this salad that boasts protein, vegetables and wholegrains. It was developed for our 2019 Summer Long Day Care menu pack – read more about this service here.

4-8 years
9-11 years
4-8 years
9-11 years
Vegetables and legumes4.554.55
Grains (cereal)4445
Lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes, beans1.
Milk, yoghurt, cheese and alternatives1.5322.5
Allowance for additional serves from any food group*0-10-30-2.50-3
12-13 years
14-18 years
12-13 years
14-18 years
Vegetables and legumes555.55.5
Grains (cereal)5767
Lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes, beans2.
Milk, yoghurt, cheese and alternatives3.
Allowance for additional serves from any food group*0-2.50-2.50-30-5
19-50 years
51-70 years
19-50 years
51-70 years
Vegetables and legumes5565.5
Grains (cereal)6466
Lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes, beans2.5232.5
Milk, yoghurt, cheese and alternatives2.542.52.5
Allowance for additional serves from any food group*0-2.50-2.50-30-2.5

Smoked salmon and chickpea salad

Eat towards your daily intake of vegetables, fish and legumes with this wholesome salad. It’s so divine you won’t realise how healthy it is!

Older adultsWomen
>70 years
>70 years
Vegetables and legumes55
Grains (cereal)34.5
Lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes, beans22.5
Milk, yoghurt, cheese and alternatives43.5
Allowance for additional serves from any food group*0-2.50-2.5
Pregnant and breastfeedingPregnant
>18 years
>18 years
Vegetables and legumes555.57.5
Grains (cereal)88.599
Lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes, beans3.
Milk, yoghurt, cheese and alternatives3.52.542.5
Allowance for additional serves from any food group*0-30-2.50-30-2.5

* Additional serves are allowed for taller or more active people. Nutrition Australia encourages people to choose additional extra serves from the five core food groups, and to limit serves of ‘discretionary foods’ to a maximum of one serve per day (approx. 600kJ).